Responsible Daniel Villalobos
Last Update 04/12/2023
Completion Time 1 day 3 hours 9 minutes
Members 223

Webinar: Recent Technological Advances in Adsorption Based Direct Air Capture

In the fight against climate change, DAC has emerged as a promising solution to remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere, offering a sustainable pathway to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This webinar brings together leading experts in the field who explore the latest advancements in DAC technology, with a particular focus on the role of adsorption processes. Researchers from Imperial College London discuss recent findings and key technological considerations for advancing Direct Air Capture (DAC) through adsorption. This will be followed by a presentation from Dr. Paul Iacomi, Product Manager of DVS Carbon, who provides detailed practical case studies showcasing DAC in action using advanced sorption instrumentation.

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Webinar: Recent Technological Advances in Adsorption Based Direct Air Capture

In the fight against climate change, DAC has emerged as a promising solution to remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere, offering a sustainable pathway to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This webinar brings together leading experts in the field who explore the latest advancements in DAC technology, with a particular focus on the role of adsorption processes. Researchers from Imperial College London discuss recent findings and key technological considerations for advancing Direct Air Capture (DAC) through adsorption. This will be followed by a presentation from Dr. Paul Iacomi, Product Manager of DVS Carbon, who provides detailed practical case studies showcasing DAC in action using advanced sorption instrumentation.