Fundamentals of Sorption Science
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Fundamentals of Sorption Science using molecules as a probe
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81 Views •Summary of pharmaceutical applications using a DVS: App 101
40 Views •What types of materials can be characterized by DVS and iGC-SEA instruments?
38 Views •Fundamentals of Sorption Science using molecules as a probe
590 Views •Studying diffusion and permeability of films using a gravimetric
88 Views •Water vapor sorption; Theory and examples on different materials
81 Views •Stability testing using a Gravimetric Sorption Analyser
80 Views •Summary of pharmaceutical applications using a DVS: App 101
40 Views •What types of materials can be characterized by DVS and iGC-SEA instruments?
38 Views •What types of materials can be characterized by DVS and iGC-SEA instruments?
Damiano Cattaneo, Instrumentation Scientist of Surface Measurement Systems, shows the different types of materials that can be characterised using Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) instruments.
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