SMS Internal Application Notes

SMS Internal Application Notes

Summary of applications notes developed using SMS products across different industries, materials and experiments.

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Responsible Daniel Villalobos
Last Update 31/05/2024
Completion Time 1 day 15 hours 20 minutes
Members 234

App67 Hydroxyl Group Accessibility in Cellulose Fibre with DVS


DVS related
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App67 Hydroxyl Group Accessibility in Cellulose Fibre with DVS

App107 DVS Endeavour An Introduction to the Endeavour System and its Applications

This application note will introduce the DVS Endeavour system and a wide range of applications it can be applied to. This multi-balance system can be used to investigate different samples with different uptake properties or measure the uptake of 5 different loadings of the same sample.

App22 Crackers

A simple shelf life prediction of crackers

DVS Application Note List

A list of all DVS Application Notes

IGC-SEA Related
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iGC SEA Application List

App Note 304- iGC SEA General Inorganic Materials
App Note 303- iGC SEA General Polymers

An overview of iGC SEA – a new instrument for characterizing the physico-chemical properties of polymers

App Note 302- iGC SEA Strong Vapor Surface Interactions

An Overview - Characterisation of strong solid-vapour interactions by iGC SEA